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World School Chess Championships 2013 Girls 17

Last update 14.05.2013 14:46:07, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Club Union

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Starting rank

1Dragieva Denitza2907232BUL2074
2WCMAssaubayeva Diana13703080KAZ2011
3Soyunlu Narmin13400843AZE2002
4Amrayeva Aytan13405101AZE2001
5Drakaki Anna-Maria4225210GRE1925
6Yakimenko Viktoria24174998RUS1923
7WCMBaghirova Khatin13403753AZE1877
8WCMPatel Yesim6300200TUR1876
9Aumaitre Rojas Aurymar3905985VEN1846
10Beshukova Ekaterina4114167RUS1835
11WFMNouman Amna9301500UAE1798
12Abdimanoglu Beste Basak6300286TUR1791
13Zamanova Bikakhanim13405365AZE1785
14Millan Gonzalez Yuneitsy Del3906132VEN1720
15Barbosa Daniela4406222COL1710
16Ungureanu Maria-Andreea1215035ROU1676
17Rajapakshe Nuwanthi Dileka9908226SRI1508
18Perera N Hashini Himasha9922067SRI1305
19Kadenova Aida13710150KAZ0
20Nomalungelo Mathe11001178ZIM0