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Guerreros del Tablero Cierre de liga 2024A- PRIMARIA B (3o y 4o)

Last update 16.06.2024 17:45:58, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy

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Starting rank

1Davis, Villarreal Miguel1709Maranatha
2Lagui, Bautista Fredy1692Centro de alto rendimiento academic
3Lopez, Sanchez Luis Alberto1659Colegio Labastida
4Salazar, Amaro Julio Francisco1657Liceo de Monterrey Blueridge
5Garza, Juarez Raul Alberto1610Liceo de Monterrey Blueridge
6Camargo, Ortega Ricardo1600AIM SP
7Medellin, Gutierrez Iker Gabriel1597Pan American School
8De, Hoyos Aceves Jesus Manuel1581Liceo de Monterrey Blueridge
9Ramos, Pecero Diana1581Pan American School Campus Mty
10Villarreal, Benitez Lucas1575Nobis Pacem Academy
11Rodarte, Yanez Mario1568Brillamont
12Valadez, Ruiz Valentina1562Nouveau
13Dominguez, Villalon Alan1553Pan American School Campus Mty
14Villarreal, Benitez Santino1553Nobis Pacem Academy
15Contreras, Trevino Matias Eulalio1550Liceo de Apodaca
16Camargo, Ortega Jimena1539AIM SP
17Barrales, Hernandez Carlos David0Madison Mty
18Carlos, Salazar Hernandez0Liceo de Monterrey Blueridge
19Celis, Salinas Roberto Alessandro0Cambridge Norte
20Elizondo, Salazar Hector Mauricio0Motolinia
21Garcia, Rodriguez Alejandro0Motolinia
22Lee, Kim Junwoon0Colegio Ingles
23Lopez, Alanis Gonzalo0Irish
24Marroquin, Gonzalez Adrian0Colegio Ingles
25Martinez, Duque Erik Daniel0Brillamont
26Martinez, Pena Carmen Alicia0Cambridge Mitras
27Medina, Romero Jesus Mateo0Cambridge Norte
28Osuna, Garza Sara0Colegio Ingles
29Ramirez, Burr Ignacio0Colegio Ingles
30Rodriguez, Gonzalez Mauricio Mikhail0Euroamericano Sur
31Rodriguez, Hernandez Diana Lucia0Cambridge Mitras
32Villarreal, Valdez Prisciliano Felix0Colegio Ingles