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Nationale Jeugdkampioenschappen 2024 - U10 Meisjesklasse

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.06.2024 15:24:51, Creator/Last Upload: Surinaamse Schaakbond

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1Anandbahadoer, YanaSUR0Chess Army
2Austin, SophiaSUR0CSV
3Codrington, XavellaSUR0Chess Army
4Kelly, ElianaSUR0FFM
5Kraag, JerniciaSUR0Stibula
6Mataw, MahiSUR0Chess Army
7Praag, SjadayneySUR0SCW
8Radja, NandiniSUR0SCW
9Ramautar, NainaSUR0Chess Army
10Shum, IsabelleSUR0CSV