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NOSBO/FSB JCC C 2024 Posledná aktualizácia 15.06.2024 21:06:24, Creator/Last Upload: NOSBO
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Bakker, Hannah | 8929789 | NED | 1495 | Ten Boer |
2 | | Etienne, Ghilon | 8852118 | NED | 1715 | Staunton |
3 | | Folgering, Joris | 9043463 | NED | 0 | Staunton |
4 | | Greven, Noa | 8839930 | NED | 1187 | Ten Boer |
5 | | Hagen, Maurits | 8829205 | NED | 1624 | Paardensprong |
6 | | Kort, Matthijs | 8999793 | NED | 1120 | Paardensprong |
7 | | Jorritsma, Eli Alia | 8728214 | NED | 1735 | Staunton |
8 | | Kolijn, Simon | 8829194 | NED | 1649 | Paardensprong |
9 | | Noordhof, Hylke | 8975285 | NED | 1514 | Staunton |
10 | | Schipper, Sarah | 8878947 | NED | 1100 | Ten Boer |
11 | | Sprong, Mehran | 8730766 | NED | 1498 | Paardensprong |