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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
National Chess Championship Qualifier #4 2024 اخر تحديث30.06.2024 23:41:50, منشئ/آخر رفع: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | جنس |
1 | FM | Joseph, Marcus | 7700393 | TTO | 2109 | |
2 | | James, Keevin | 7701373 | TTO | 1938 | |
3 | | Ramdath, Simon | 7702515 | TTO | 1932 | |
4 | WCM | La Fleur, Zara | 7703848 | TTO | 1874 | w |
5 | | Ramadhar, Kishore | 7700091 | TTO | 1845 | |
6 | | Medina, Joshua | 7706030 | TTO | 1811 | |
7 | | Ali, Ian | 7700601 | TTO | 1781 | |
8 | | Grant, Ian | 7701497 | TTO | 1780 | |
9 | | Primus, Prince | 7700725 | TTO | 1668 | |
10 | | Williams, Saqiv | 7709390 | TTO | 1621 | |
11 | | Superville, Arthur | 7703236 | TTO | 1618 | |
12 | | Maynard, David | 7703716 | TTO | 1590 | |
13 | | Jones, Marcus | 7710135 | TTO | 1421 | |
14 | ACM | Humphrey, Ty | 7709439 | TTO | 0 | |
15 | | Gill, Tyrese | 7712383 | TTO | 0 | |
16 | | Greaves, Josiah | | TTO | 0 | |