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National Chess Championship Qualifier #4 2024

Last update 30.06.2024 23:41:50, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)

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Starting rank list

1FMJoseph, Marcus7700393TTO2109
2James, Keevin7701373TTO1938
3Ramdath, Simon7702515TTO1932
4WCMLa Fleur, Zara7703848TTO1874w
5Ramadhar, Kishore7700091TTO1845
6Medina, Joshua7706030TTO1811
7Ali, Ian7700601TTO1781
8Grant, Ian7701497TTO1780
9Primus, Prince7700725TTO1668
10Williams, Saqiv7709390TTO1621
11Superville, Arthur7703236TTO1618
12Maynard, David7703716TTO1590
13Jones, Marcus7710135TTO1421
14ACMHumphrey, Ty7709439TTO0
15Gill, Tyrese7712383TTO0
16Greaves, JosiahTTO0