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8th Eastern Asian Youth Chess Championship 2024 - G16Վերջին արդիացում20.07.2024 06:48:07, Creator/Last Upload: Malaysian Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | | Nguyen, Ngoc Hien | 12418722 | VIE | 1949 |
2 | | | Tugstuguldur, Erdenebat | 4918924 | MGL | 1796 |
3 | | | Suyamin, Bonjoure Fille | 5234697 | PHI | 1791 |
4 | | AFM | Syahirah, Quinsha Adinda | 7122055 | INA | 1740 |
5 | | | Liew, Tze Chi | 5827230 | SGP | 1730 |
6 | | WCM | Unurzul, Davaakhuu | 4903218 | MGL | 1715 |
7 | | | Jupineh, Ainnur Asyikin | 5764068 | MAS | 1715 |
8 | | | Maral, Altankhuyag | 4908015 | MGL | 1713 |
9 | | | Mohd Nurul Izani, Kaseh Irsya Dania | 5730929 | MAS | 1669 |
10 | | | Le, Dang Bao Ngoc | 12418714 | VIE | 1648 |
11 | | | Tang, Lea | 6008666 | HKG | 1639 |
12 | | | Pham, Mo Fei | 6008704 | HKG | 1618 |
13 | | | Mohd Azamanizam, Azraa Adeline Azman | 5755328 | MAS | 1587 |
14 | | | Likoh, Katherine Samantha | 5756855 | MAS | 1509 |
15 | | | Fun, Ven Xuen | 35825197 | MAS | 1500 |
16 | | | Prushotman, Vissnupriya | 5739314 | MAS | 1489 |
17 | | AIM | Enkhkhaliun, Zoljargal | 4926935 | MGL | 0 |
18 | | | Chen, Wanyu | 8637601 | CHN | 0 |