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The 14th LSH

Posledná aktualizácia 16.06.2024 11:16:04, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1HAN, Yongsu132253081659U20
2JANG, Seojun132165201650U10
3JANG, Junyoung132159301629
4CHOI, Hyunbin132113821550U18
5KIM, Minjun C132067881522U16
6JANG, Yunseo132165381444wU14
7ZEE, Hyeonjeong132156631429wU14
8CLIFTON, Alexander J399086901417
9AHN, Junmin132240180U10
10BAE, Hyunjun132180420U10
11BAE, Hyunwoo132180500U12
12CHO, Minseong132168720
13CHUNG, Yeseo132231780wU08
14KO, Hyeran132270500wS65
15KWON, Jihoo132254300U14
16SEO, Yerin132262580wU10
17YANG, Heewon132006400