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Eswatini Schools Finals Individuals 2024 Girls Section

Darrera actualització15.06.2024 11:35:45, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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Rànquing inicial

1Dlamini, ThembelihleSWZ0Herolds Academy
2Mabiala, SephoraSWZ0St Michaels
3Mamba, LihleSWZ0Hillside
4Miranda, TobiasSWZ0Hillside
5Msimango, NontsikeleloSWZ0Mhlatane
6Ndlovu, SinenhlanhlaSWZ0Duze
7Ndzimandze, LondiweSWZ0
8Sinalo, BiyelaSWZ0Mhlatane
9Sukati, AphiweSWZ0Mhlatane
10Vilakati, SiviweSWZ0Mhlatane
11Zwane, BuhleSWZ0St Michaels