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Štartová listina

1El Jawich, Louay5323525LBN1428U08
2Karout, Manessa5324017LBN1417wU08
3El Hajj Chehade, Adam5319161LBN900U08
4El Jawich, Qusay5323533LBN900U08
5Itani, Ahmad5321689LBN900U08
6Younes, Youssef5324130LBN900U08
7Zeitjian, Sarkis5317282LBN900U08
8Abbas, FarahPLE0wU08
9Amine, Michael5326354LBN0U08
10Azzam, Omar5319293LBN0U08
11Baltaji, TarekLBN0U08
12Cherri, AliLBN0U08
13Darwiche, LynnLBN0wU08
14El Hajj, MayaLBN0wU08
15Jaber, MohamadLBN0U08
16Mlouk, SalmanLBN0U08
17Nassif, AbdulRahmanLBN0U08
18Saadeddine, Lea5325390LBN0wU08