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Summer Rapid Junior

Last update 26.06.2024 17:15:04, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Thirupathi, Aarathya MuthuIRL1000Skerries
2Sherlock, PeadarIRL942Skerries
3Mcmahon-Holland, LennoxIRL927Skerries
4Gicale, AdamIRL922Skerries
5Raparthi, Neel2526000IRL920Skerries
6Thirupathi, Adhisya MuthuIRL913Skerries
7Hughes, ConorIRL816Skerries
8Gicale, EthanIRL805Skerries
9Florczak, AlanIRL773Skerries
10Tyndall, TomIRL613Skerries
11Sweetman, JamesIRL593Skerries