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Goa University Staff Tournament-2024

Last update 13.06.2024 14:00:04, Creator/Last Upload: Arvind Mhamal

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Starting rank

1Deepak Chettiiar,IND0Purchase
2Dr.Nicole seqeeira,IND0SEOAS
3Gandha Gawas,IND0Admin Nt Section
4Kunal Naik,IND0Exam
5Mahendra Naik,IND0Engineering And Technical
6Nilesh Borde,IND0GBS
7Pratima Naik,IND0Admin Nt Section
8Sameer Salekar,IND0Engineering And Tecchnical
9Samiksha Homkhande,IND0Academic Pg
10Sulaksha Sawant,IND0Academic Pg
11Sunil Naik,IND0Purchase
12Vishant Phadke,IND0Purchase