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Torneo de Ajedrez Rápido - Chess and Beer

Last update 12.06.2024 06:47:41, Creator/Last Upload: CarlosCarballoD

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Starting rank

1Carballo, CarlosMEX0
2Leal Reyes, Juan CarlosMEX0
3Mercado Lopez, Jesus IvanMEX0
4Preciado Garcia, HipolitoMEX0
5Rodriguez, Jose CarlosMEX0
6Saldamando Osuna, Bianca ElisaMEX0
7Sanchez Zurita, Carlos AlejandroMEX0
8Santacruz, RafaelMEX0
9Urias Ruiz, Luis AlfredoMEX0
10Chavez, BenjaminMEX0