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Estatal CONDEBA Secundarias Individual Femenil

Last update 18.06.2024 06:50:17, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrez para Monstruos

Starting rank list of players

1Soto, Reséndiz Brenda AngélicaMEX1778Part.Dgo. Col. Montessori
5Ortiz, De Santiago Daphne ElenaMEX1413Fed.Lag. EST 54
2Rodríguez, Del Ángel Viaric NhaleyMEX1400Est.Dgo Erich Fromm
3Chavarria, Mireles Dina IthzelMEX0Est.Lag San Juan de Casta
4Torres, Campos Maria FernandaMEX0Fed.Dgo. EST 10