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Estatal CONDEBA Secundarias Individual Varonil

Last update 18.06.2024 06:48:18, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrez para Monstruos

Starting rank list of players

1Hernández, Molina Carlos FernandoMEX1707Part.Dgo Col. España
5Ávalos, Barretero Luis GuillermoMEX1624FED.LAG. EST 68
2Arriaga, Celedon RogelioMEX0Est.Dgo Luis Donaldo Colosio
3Burciaga, Osorio Jose RodolfoMEX0Est.Lag. San Juan de Casta
4Carmona, Ulibarria Juan Manuel de JesusMEX0FEd.Dgo. EST 3