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Offenes Salzburger Rapid U19-U25 2024

Darrera actualització23.06.2024 18:37:31, Creador/Darrera càrrega: SCHACHLANDESVERBAND SALZBURG

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Rànquing inicial

1Mörwald, Magdalena1632078AUT1894
2Warzycha, Gerwin16295692AUT1887
3Bruckner, Simon1658417AUT1693
4Hammami, Ahmad1679015AUT1635
5Loreth, Thomas1639595AUT1522
6Kipman, Felix1653105AUT1458
7Brandauer, Martin1652010AUT1329
8Ljubic, Zvonimir14545799CRO1171
9Ljubic, Ivan1666428AUT1015
10Engelmann, MarkusGER0
11Valderrama, Linandro1682199AUT0