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2024 R&D Showdown & Invitational Tournament Hunt the King

Վերջին արդիացում23.06.2024 00:25:19, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 1)

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Allen, CaleaJAM0
2Allison, JesseJAM0
3Anderson, JaaziyaJAM0
4Baxter, ImogenJAM0
5Blagrove, EmilyJAM0
6Bryan, Nia-LuisaJAM0
7Carter, EliJAM0
8Carter, EliJAM0
9Cheeks, XaraJAM0
10Cornwall, WarrenJAM0
11Fuller, SyonJAM0
12Gayle, JavariJAM0
13Gilzene, CalebJAM0
14Graham, DoniqueJAM0
15Graham, DoniqueJAM0
16Hamilton, MylesJAM0
17Haughton-James, AmirJAM0
18Johnson, JelaniJAM0
19Johnson, JelaniJAM0
20Johnson, MaliahJAM0
21Jones, JehlanJAM0
22Jones, JehlanJAM0
23Marshall, JustinJAM0
24Miles, TyreekJAM0
25Nembhard, KhaleelJAM0
26Nicholson, AbigailJAM0
27Nicholson, AbigailJAM0
28Notice, JaeceJAM0
29Pessoa-Harvey, SemereJAM0
30Powell, AdamJAM0
31Rao, RiyaJAM0
32Shaw, LiamJAM0
33Sicard, EmersonJAM0
34Stewart, Aiden-AlecJAM0
35Wright, LaurenJAM0
36Young, PriyaJAM0
37Shields, CahirJAM0
38Frater, LatoriJAM0