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2024 R&D Showdown & Invitational Tournament Under 8

Senast uppdaterad23.06.2024 00:25:39, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 1)

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1Wright, Luke7410239JAM1237
2Brown, Aiden7408544JAM1060
3Paladugu, Viraj7407980JAM1017
4Henry, RushawnJAM904
5Allen, JoelstonJAM806
6Mullings, KaelynJAM707
7Baker, JunetteJAM0
8Blair, MalakhaiJAM0
9Duncan, ParrisJAM0
10Dwyer, Trey-JoshuaJAM0
11Fairclough, AzureJAM0
12Fowler, KyeJAM0
13Gollamudi, Kundana7410255JAM0
14Gooden, KailiJAM0
15Gordon, CaelynJAM0
16Guilding, LashonaJAM0
17Howell, ZowieJAM0
18James, KherimaJAM0
19Jones, AbigailJAM0
20Josephs, CyrusJAM0
21Liao, MeusemJAM0
22Mais, Je'NasiyaJAM0
23Mais, JothamJAM0
24Mclean, BiancaJAM0
25McPherson, Spencer-ReinJAM0
26Misir, IzabelJAM0
27Sajnani, ParasJAM0
28Spence, XavierJAM0
29Thomas, NiaraJAM0
30Wilson, PaisleyJAM0
31Wright, RaydenJAM0
32Tait, CalebJAM0