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II Torneo Estatal de Ajedrez "Deporte Escolar" Chiapas 2024 Sub-12 Femenil

Last update 09.06.2024 22:28:04, Creator/Last Upload: A. O. JOSE ALFREDO CASTILLO GARCIA

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Starting rank list

1Zuarth, De Jesus EizaMEX1170Villa flores
2Reyes, Cancino Alice AdeleMEX1136Tapachula
3Ruiz, Alfaro ValentinaMEX1120Villa Flores
4de la Torre Vasquez, Leah MonserratMEX0Ocozocoautla
5Estrada Perez, Marina GissellMEX0Villa corzo
6Gomez Gomez, Alma AlejandraMEX0Las margaritas
7Gonzalez Robledo, Kiana VereniceMEX0Frontera Comalapa
8Hernandez Vasquez, Yaretzi EsmeraldaMEX0Tuxtla Gutierrez
9Maz Martinez, Frida SeleneMEX0Tecpactan
10penate, AbigailMEX0Catazaja
11Perez Barrientos, Ximena AseretMEX0Villa Flores
12Ramirez Hernandez, ZurisadaiMEX0Tuxtla Gutierrez
13Reyes cancino, Miriam GraceMEX0Tapachula