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2nd Adha Ages Tournament by Bader Association 2024 u10

Posledná aktualizácia 09.06.2024 14:35:01, Creator/Last Upload: ArchibaldChess Intl.

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Štartová listina

1darweeche, hussein5316081lbn1468
2al ajab, anwarlbn0
3al halabi, ahmadlbn0
4azzam, joelle5319129lbn0
5azzam, jolie5319331lbn0
6bitar, aminalbn0
7dimasi, lunalbn0
8el hajj chehade, yasmine5319153lbn0
9ghandour, milalbn0
10ghandour, miladlbn0
11habib allah, logmansud0
12jawhar, naderlbn0
13kawam, ghadi5319544lbn0
14khalidi, youssif5317789lbn0
15khalil, mohamad jalallbn0
16masalkhi, mohammad rashidlbn0
17munaiminah, mohammad tahalbn0
18nakib, nabil5319307lbn0
19ramadan, hidayalbn0
20salameh, lamar11521724ple0
21singer, issalbn0