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2nd Adha Ages Tournament by Bader Association 2024 u20

Darrera actualització09.06.2024 14:02:47, Creador/Darrera càrrega: ArchibaldChess Intl.

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Rànquing inicial

1garabet, charbel5323550lbn1634
2darwiche, mohamad5312663lbn1610
3ahmad, sara5318858lbn0
4al kaaki, khalillbn0
5masri, ali rida5318904lbn0
6al zohairi, rudi ramilbn0
7alam eddine, hadilbn0
8chaheen, raedlbn0
9el helou, raymondlbn0
10habib allah, ahmadsud0
11itani, danilbn0
12manasfi, abdel alrahmanlbn0
13manasfi, malek hassanlbn0
14manasfi, mohamad hassanlbn0
15saif idien, ramilbn0
16shatila, abed rahmanlbn0
17skafi, eva5319234lbn0
18yamout, mohamadlbn0
19zaytoun, ranilbn0