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I Chess Continuum Xadrez RPD

Last update 26.06.2024 02:41:34, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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Starting rank

1Cunha, Lucas Aguiar30908212540423572358
2Soares, Estevao Luiz5948210548919552013
3Breitman, Nelson Rodrigues538782273611519502022S50
4Silva, Stenio Vargas8986211287619341883
5Villar, Antonio Villar Marques De938210532218612021S65
6E Silva, Raphael Frota Fontenele840394476563015981745U20
7De Oliveira Junior, Rafael Moreira8565601800U15
8De Freitas, Marcos Vinicius Gomes853484477317001825U15
9Cavalcanti, Gabriel Miranda86082447828901800U20
10Di Soares, Guilherme Nogueira777254473354201774U15
11Silva, Cristiano Freitas855644477324201751