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Championnat Regional Individuel 2024 OPEN - Centre

Վերջին արդիացում09.06.2024 02:09:44, Creator/Last Upload: Cameroon Chess-Federation

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Makem Pierre,CMR1979
2Donkeng Hussel,CMR1871
3Fomena Kammalac Stevin,16400321CMR1820BCC
4Meli Fouoken Armel Junior,16401387CMR1796FaF
5Fouda Tocko Paul Aristide,CMR1780
6Ndong Hubert,16401360CMR1664YCC
7Salong Fobasso Adriel Juvet,CMR1800BCC
8Sohna Corine,CMR1800FaF
9Foliba Babila Priestly,CMR1800
10Fouda Marc Arthur,CMR1800
11Medjiengoue, Baudry,CMR1800
12Fouda Nathanael,CMR1800FaF
13Ngalle, Estelle,CMR1800
14Nyemeck James Romaric,CMR1800BCC
15Onana, Steve Romaric,CMR1800
16Tziemi Ngansop Raymond,CMR1800
17Fouda Nsizoa Marthe Victoria,CMR1800FaF