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FIDE 100 Chess Tournament Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.07.2024 12:15:48, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Lista startowa

1CMTran Thanh Tu2557
2IMKojima Shinya2473
3IMNanjo Ryosuke2472
4FMAoshima Mirai2468
5Muthyala Bansi Prathima1804
6Kanda Daigo1747
7Bruessow Nina1746
8AIMKim Changhyung1743
9Takahashi Saera1740
10AIMPatil Rushad1692
11Yagnik Manav Yashkumar1661
12Tran Duc Hung Long1626
13Shioya Ryoma1437
14Nagaoka Wataru1431
15Onuma Kota1402
16Sharma Sameer1367
17Noda Ryo1301
18Matsunaga Toma1276
19Hauptmann Raphael1190
20Hehir Stephen0
21Oi Eudai0