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Dia mundial de los oceanos Segunda Fuerza

Last update 08.06.2024 20:56:51, Creator/Last Upload: David Pastrana Valenzuela

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Starting rank

1Enriquez, Cabrera ManuelMEX1451Chihuahua
2Rodriguez, Felipe Mariano De JesusMEX1413Veracruz
3Rodriguez, Gutierrez Jesus UrielMEX1280
4Alvarado Jesus Santiago,MEX0
5Aparicio Martinez, JonathanMEX0
6Gomez Meza, Eddy YaelMEX0
7Quintero Nunez, JorgeMEX0
8Ramirez Jr, Gilberto Ismael29618967MEX0
9Ramos Alfonso, KevinMEX0
10Rodriguez Rosas, Uriel Alejandro29609941MEX0
11Sanchez, JesusMEX0
12Soriano, AdrianMEX0
13Vazquez Munoz, ObedMEX0