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RŠS_Mežezers-2024_Rapid Posledná aktualizácia 06.08.2024 14:24:31, Creator/Last Upload: savieniba
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | MK | Kazoks, Aivars | 11617705 | LAT | 1953 |
2 | MK | Tenis, Girts | 11601566 | LAT | 1948 |
3 | NM | Rozlapa, Vija | 11600802 | LAT | 1927 |
4 | I | Varpins, Kristians | 11620161 | LAT | 1793 |
5 | I | Mierina, Lauma | 11617292 | LAT | 1621 |
6 | I | Kantans, Ansis | 11629312 | LAT | 1594 |
7 | II | Daineko, Jevgenija | 11630779 | LAT | 1588 |
8 | I | Ozolins, Kristaps | 11622989 | LAT | 1586 |
9 | I | Iljins, Kirils | 11633034 | LAT | 1561 |
10 | I | Strekalovs, Ernests | 11633174 | LAT | 1561 |
11 | I | Vilskersts, Ernests | 11633182 | LAT | 1513 |
12 | II | Apinis, Madars Andrejs | 11633000 | LAT | 1482 |
13 | II | Kantans, Jekabs | 11629304 | LAT | 1473 |
14 | I | Elsts, Rihards | 11641398 | LAT | 1464 |
15 | II | Liscovs, Augusts | 11639253 | LAT | 1464 |
16 | I | Liepina, Daniela Nikola | 11621176 | LAT | 1455 |
17 | II | Treigute, Lea | 11634073 | LAT | 1454 |
18 | II | Tronenkovs, Austris | 11636939 | LAT | 1444 |
19 | II | Ivanisvili, Maksims | 11625970 | LAT | 1424 |
20 | II | Galvins, Edvards | 11639288 | LAT | 1415 |
21 | II | Treiguts, Manu | 11636149 | LAT | 1415 |
22 | II | Cuksts, Stefans | 11640456 | LAT | 1407 |
23 | II | Mierina, Liva | 11632070 | LAT | 1372 |
24 | I | Caplinskis, Rudolfs | 11645091 | LAT | 0 |
25 | II | Celmalniece, Ance | 11636475 | LAT | 0 |
26 | II | Gavrilova, Varvara | 11636360 | LAT | 0 |
27 | II | Jeparovs, Nikita | 11632429 | LAT | 0 |
28 | II | Krauze, Teodors | 11635932 | LAT | 0 |
29 | II | Kubulina, Kate Adria | 11634952 | LAT | 0 |
30 | II | Pakula, Oskars | 11644990 | LAT | 0 |
31 | II | Rudzitis, Jekabs | 11633387 | LAT | 0 |
32 | II | Solovjovs, Daniils | 11645350 | LAT | 0 |
33 | II | Tronenkova, Vilhelmine | 11631880 | LAT | 0 |
34 | II | Vetra, Ance | 11640685 | LAT | 0 |
35 | III | Dzilna, Emils | 11636823 | LAT | 0 |
36 | III | Gutmans, Pavels | | LAT | 0 |
37 | III | Jalcins, Alans Sedats | 11636513 | LAT | 0 |
38 | III | Kalejs, Krisjanis | 11646497 | LAT | 0 |
39 | III | Kurmis, Hugo | 11641126 | LAT | 0 |
40 | III | Legzdina, Frida | 11647876 | LAT | 0 |
41 | III | Upmalis, Janis | 11647043 | LAT | 0 |
42 | III | Vanadzina, Emilija | 11630205 | LAT | 0 |
43 | IV | Busmanova, Jelizaveta | | LAT | 0 |
44 | IV | Dobele, Marta | 11648147 | LAT | 0 |