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AICF – KIIT CUP International Category 13 Women Chess Championship 2013

Last update 26.03.2013 11:23:35, Creator/Last Upload: TAMIL NADU STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION

Starting rank list of players

8IMPaehtz ElisabethGER2487
9GMDanielian ElinaARM2466
4IMMkrtchian LilitARM2458
1WGMGirya OlgaRUS2440
11WGMGuo QiCHN2435
12IMFoisor Cristina-AdelaROU2401
2WGMGomes Mary AnnIND2387
6IMKaravade EeshaIND2387
3IMMohota NishaIND2325
10WGMPadmini RoutIND2316
7WGMSwathi GhateIND2246
5WGMKiran Manisha MohantyIND2205