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Copa Punta Borinquen 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony09.07.2024 07:17:23, Creator/Last Upload: aneseso

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1Gonzalez Carrion, Otilio3101975PUR1867Punta Borinquen
2Matos Santoni, Gamalier3102009PUR1846Punta Borinquen
3Concepcion Lopez, Juan Miguel3101940PUR1836Punta Borinquen
4Velazquez Rivera, Pedro J.3105474PUR1816Abones
5Ramirez Zea, Juan P.3109682PUR1789Mayaguez
6Ramirez Zea, Rafael J.3109690PUR1779Mayaguez
7Santa Cruz, Abimael3110036PUR1710
8Delgado Delgado, Edwin G.3101347PUR1684Punta Borinquen
9Sepulveda Carrero, Jaime N.3102351PUR1639Punta Borinquen
10Perez Quinones, Malcolm J.3113035PUR1544
11Perez Perez, Danay3109755PUR1491Aguada
12Diaz Torres, IsaiasPUR0Aguadilla