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1st Meghalaya State Senior (above 50 years of age) Chess Championship

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony20.07.2024 18:43:02, Creator/Last Upload: A B CHOUDHURY

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1Challangga D Sangma,IND1610GHCA
2Ardhendu S Mandal,IND1605EKHDCA
3Kiran Joshi,IND1605EKHDCA
4Paiadaohi Lhuid,IND1582JHDCA
5Jefferson V Lyngdoh,IND1579EKHDCA
6Nobleman Wanniang,IND1573EKHDCA
7Bonney Joans Kharbani,IND1558WKHDCA
8Ganesh Rai,IND1510EKHDCA
9M C Mawlong,IND1497EKHDCA
10Huron Y Buam,IND1473JHDCA
11Gautam Ranjan Das,IND1408EKHDCA
12Andrew Charles Gare,IND0WKHDCA
13D S Shongwan,IND0EKHDCA
14Homer Kharkongor,IND0EKHDCA
15Raju Upadhaya,IND0JHDCA
16Readystar Nongsiej,IND0JHDCA
17Tenderly Dhar,IND0JHDCA