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Torneo de Candidatos Cartlivic 2024 Categoria Masculino Sub 14

Last update 28.07.2024 14:31:14, Creator/Last Upload: Luis MoraG

Starting rank list of players

2Villegas, Reyes Angel Tadeo29647673MEX1615Cartlivic Cosoleacaque
7Melendez Benitez, Aldo Alejandro29658900MEX1612Magos del Tablero
6Morales, Alfonso Gerardo29647630MEX1559Cartlivic Cosoleacaque
3Manzo, Fentanez Pedro Emiliano29647622MEX1555Cartlivic Cosoleacaque
9Ignacio, Vazquez Fernando Sakeri29647606MEX1536Club de Ajedrez Coatzacoalcos
8Vega, Garcia Oscar Jafeth29609763MEX1511Kuapatoliani Jaltipan
4Solares, Hernandez Gabriel AlejandroMEX1508CHESS-E
5Ojeda Arreola, Hernan Alfonso29640440MEX0Club de Ajedrez Minatitlan
1Santos, Aguirre Diego De Jesus29647665MEX0Cartlivic Cosoleacaque