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Juegos de Puerto Rico 2024 Sub-16 Absoluto Posledná aktualizácia 09.06.2024 22:02:00, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Torres Acosta, Gael | 3110770 | PUR | 1708 | San German |
2 | | Done Sanchez, Andrews J. | 3112861 | PUR | 1697 | San Juan |
3 | | Lugo Cruz, Yahir | 3110788 | PUR | 1648 | Canovanas |
4 | | Perez Santana, Sebastian D. | 3109801 | PUR | 1520 | San Juan |
5 | | Arbelo Montalvan, Jadiel O. | 3114074 | PUR | 0 | Caguas |
6 | | Casillas Sierra, Felix J. | | PUR | 0 | Cayey |
7 | | Centeno Soto, Gabriel | | PUR | 0 | Trujillo Alto |
8 | | Concepcion Cruz, Yafet | 3112560 | PUR | 0 | San Juan |
9 | | Luquis Luquis, Yarel D. | | PUR | 0 | Vega Baja |
10 | | Melendez Fernandez, Bryan L. | 3114708 | PUR | 0 | Caguas |
11 | | Perez Buzo, Luis E. | | PUR | 0 | Humacao |
12 | | Placeres Ortiz, Adrian J. | 3112420 | PUR | 0 | Humacao |
13 | | Placeres Ortiz, Edric J. | 3112411 | PUR | 0 | Humacao |
14 | | Resnik Acevedo, Lucas N. | 3113558 | PUR | 0 | San Juan |
15 | | Resto Reyes, Jeynald E | | PUR | 0 | Guaynabo |
16 | | Rivera Sierra, Aramis | | PUR | 0 | Trujillo Alto |
17 | | Rodriguez Davila, Yadriel A. | 3112063 | PUR | 0 | Bayamon |
18 | | Ruiz Rios, Jessiel | | PUR | 0 | Las Piedras |