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4° etapa do CIEXBA - Circuito Interescolar de Xadrez da Bahia

Last update 17.06.2024 19:46:09, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1Miguel, Leal Santos PaixaoBRA1814F5MPR
2Adrian, Santos Soares GuimaraesBRA1800F3MPR
3Ana, Clara Pereira BarbosaBRA1800F4FPR
4Ana, Clara Santiago dos SantosBRA1800F2FPR
5Enzo, Couto de AndradeBRA1800F4MPR
6Fernanda, Freire FerreiraBRA1800F2FPR
7Gabriel, Oliveira SantosBRA1800F4MPR
8Gustavo, Forte Cardoso RodriguesBRA1800F2MPR
9Gustavo, Ribon MachadoBRA1800F5MPR
10Julia, Couto FrançaBRA1800F2FPR
11Lucas, Dias Da SilvaBRA1800F5M
12Marcelo, Forte Cardoso RodriguesBRA1800F2MPR
13Renato, Ferreira Sande NetoBRA1800F5MPR
14Saulo, Pas FrauchesBRA1800F5MPR
15Théo, Figueredo e AlmeidaBRA1800F1MPR
16Giovanna, Moura Muller UrpiaBRA1792F4FPR
17Arthur, Fleumer Santana SantosBRA1781F5MPR
18Neemias, Risley Cardoso FernandesBRA1776F5MPR
19Dhulya, Alves De SouzaBRA1748F1F
20Rebeca, Lordelo AlmeidaBRA1690F5FPR