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Pairings are ready!

Budapest One Week IM A

Last update 18.08.2024 20:07:51, Creator/Last Upload: kristof.deli

Starting rank list of players

6Wang, Tongsen8608067CHN2386
5IMKrizsany, Laszlo701718HUN2325
10GMVarga, Zoltan700509HUN2321
2FMKolb, Tobias12992321GER2315
1FMPolyik, Peter758817HUN2297
7Fodor, Balazs741850HUN2244
9IMNemeth, Zoltan700657HUN2212
3FMHalak, Miklos726400HUN2167
8WIMFisabilillah, Ummi7104804INA2123
4WFMRamya, Krishna5018064USA2085