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Pairings are ready!

Budapest One Week GM A

Darrera actualització20.08.2024 14:16:12, Creador/Darrera càrrega: kristof.deli

Llista del rànquing inicial

9GMGrover, Sahaj5021103IND2507
6GMNguyen, Huynh Minh Huy12401269VIE2428
10IMPosthuma, Joshua2096889USA2412
1IMFus, Jakub1193023POL2406
5GMPap, Misa921610SRB2396
4FMTyurin, Artem44130112FID2381
3IMSetyaki, Azarya Jodi7101589INA2370
7IMDamjanovic, Vuk980021SRB2343
2FMGombocz, Ferenc Jr.775029HUN2330
8FMChubakov, Sultan13803468KGZ2318