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Evento Prenacional Deportivo 2024 Aguascalientes- Tecnológico Nacional de México Zona 7- Individual Femenil

Last update 06.06.2024 21:50:01, Creator/Last Upload: IA Tizoc Haro

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Starting rank

1Suazo Cardenas, Sara29626617MEX1698Morelia
2Abad Alvarado, Itandewy YamilethMEX0Jilotepec
3Duarte Martinez, VeronicaMEX0Morelia
4Martinez Narvaez, Maria GuadalupeMEX0Jilotepec
5Montejano Perez, Mayra AlexandraMEX0Zamora
6Rodriguez Trejo, Ana BrendaMEX0Zamora
7Torres Garcia, MarthaMEX0Zitacuaro