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Evento Prenacional Deportivo 2024 Aguascalientes- Tecnológico Nacional de México Zona 10 - Individual Varonil

Last update 06.06.2024 22:07:53, Creator/Last Upload: IA Tizoc Haro

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Starting rank

1Galindo, Barrera Irving Eduardo5149207MEX1700Morelos
2Radilla Villasenor, Agustin29652588MEX1696Acapulco
3Angel de la Cruz, Luis FranciscoMEX0Chilpancingo
4Bernabe Campillo, Jose CarlosMEX0Chilpancingo
5Gonzalez Flores, Luis YahirMEX0Huetamo
6Medrano Campos, JaimeMEX0Huetamo
7Mendez Martinez, ErickMEX0Tacambaro
8Mora Leal, BrandonMEX0Tacambaro
9Nunez Rodriguez, Irving IsaelMEX0Costa Grande
10Ramirez Garcia, Elias AlejandroMEX0Cenidet
11Rios Ríos, YahirMEX0Zacatepec
12Vazquez Soriano, Irvin JhoanMEX0