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Evento Prenacional Deportivo 2024 Aguascalientes- Tecnológico Nacional de México Zona 8 - Individual Varonil

Last update 06.06.2024 22:03:53, Creator/Last Upload: IA Tizoc Haro

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Starting rank

1Ochoa, Retana CristopherMEX1634Hidalgo
2Aranda Martinez, Adolgo DavidMEX0Hidalgo
3Castillo Islas, Yeremi29641420MEX0Atitalaquia
4Chavez Lopez, GiovanniMEX0Huichapan
5Contreras Lopez, Miguel AngelMEX0Tlanepantla
6Del Villar Morales, Luis RodrigoMEX0Pachuca
7Hernandez Vidal, NoeMEX0Huichapan
8Lara Maldonado, Erick IvanMEX0Tlanepantla
9Mendoza Mendoza, Jafete ImanolMEX0Atitalaquia
10Ortiz Martinez, JosmarMEX0Pachuca
11Solis Cortez, BrayanMEX0Milpa Alta 2