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IX Copa Club Peon Coronado

Last update 06.07.2024 15:43:10, Creator/Last Upload: universo ajedrecistico

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Starting rank

1AIMGomez Arnau, Reinerio3506223MEX2104
2Esquivel Nateras, Virgilio5104785MEX1932
3Rolandi Rodriguez, Dario5166675MEX1923
4Bustos Puente, Nicolas5195527MEX1911
5Riera Fregoso, Ferran5185610MEX1867
6AFMMartinez Martinez, Jose Manuel5147247MEX1852
7ACMAzcorra Kinil, Ivan396216000MEX1826
8Cohuo Cool, Manuel5185165MEX1750
9Hernandez Lopez, Oscar Jafet29610656MEX1720
10Orlayneta Quime, IsraelMEX1706
11Ferreyra Chavez, AstridMEX1662
12Castaneda Gonzalez, Ernesto29602343MEX1651
13Sanchez Dzib, Angel Eliazin5190673MEX1625
14Carvajal Ruffiar, Angel GabrielMEX1619
15Ramos Galvan, Pablo Eduardo5198852MEX1586
16Leon Perez, Jose Alejandro29639018MEX1562
17Aldao Mariano, Ezequiel20034806ARG0
18Barrientos Jacinto, Christian EliMEX0