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38th Voivoda Cup

Last update 04.06.2024 15:17:37, Creator/Last Upload: Polish Chess Federation (Licence 35)

Starting rank list of players

8IMKRAUS, Tomas331708CZE2488
6GMCYBOROWSKI, Lukasz1108760POL2479
5IMBRODOWSKI, Piotr1124480POL2424
4IMLICZNERSKI, Lukasz1179250POL2418
1IMSABUK, Piotr1137565POL2406
7GMVOLOSIN, Leon311111CZE2400
9GMGOLUBKA, Petro14114224UKR2391
3MIKES, Jan339369CZE2356
2FMSKAWINSKI, Arkadiusz1126415POL2347
10CMKEJNA, Piotr21821704POL2210