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Torneio do Clube de SAJ 03.06

Last update 04.06.2024 02:26:33, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1Diogo, Duarte Guimaraes2112450BRA2256BA
2Heitor, Costa OliveiraBRA2043BA
3Arthur, Silas Borges De Sousa44706952BRA2003BA
4Theo, De Oliveira SouzaBRA2000BA
5Guilherme, Augusto Ferreira BarbosaBRA1884BA
6Malu, Andrade De Assis PassosBRA1860BA
7Heitor, Santos BrasilBRA1799BA
8Luiz, Roque Santos De Jesus FilhoBRA1785BA