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2024 World Youth Qualifier - U10

Posledná aktualizácia 06.06.2024 10:47:14, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1AFMSeo, Juwon13216597KOR1809
2Lee, Yugeon13217038KOR1701
3Oh, Sejun13216112KOR1666
4AFMJang, Seojun13216520KOR1650
5Lee, Ruk13220373KOR1621
6Kim, Echae13215280KOR1611
7ACMYoun, Laeho13216457KOR1596
8Sim, Yunwoo13220918KOR1591
9Gim, Hajin13217267KOR1546
10Choi, Juneho13216511KOR1532
11Bae, Jaemin13222228KOR1480
12Seo, Hawon13217089KOR1476
13Choi, Yoonjae13225731KOR1464
14Bae, Joowon13216830KOR1458
15Kim, Keonwoo13217895KOR1456
16Han, Sangjun13219456KOR1440
17Oh, Jeongmin13214497KOR1430
18Lee, Junhee13216120KOR1413
19Park, Jaeik13215450KOR1412
20Lim, Jihyuk13221159KOR1408
21Cho, Yeseong13221396KOR0
22Heo, Sol13226983KOR0
23Kim, Dan13227084KOR0
24Kim, Geono13220640KOR0
25Kim, Lucas Jiwon13225740KOR0
26Lee, Junmyeong13223763KOR0
27Lee, Roun13217500KOR0