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2024 World Youth Qualifier - U12

Վերջին արդիացում06.06.2024 11:00:57, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1Kim, Donghan13212842KOR1746
2AFMLee, Jiwoo A13212877KOR1745
3AFMPark, Onyoo13216139KOR1743
4ACMHong, Joohyuk13213687KOR1734
5Ahn, Taehyun13216350KOR1583
6Joo, Eram13215205KOR1555
7Shin, Yisoo13221442KOR1552
8Shin, Seungmin13223518KOR1490
9Kim, Minwoo13213580KOR1477
10AFMSon, Juwon13215698KOR1459
11Park, Minhyuk13215590KOR1457
12Ha, Jungwoo13215892KOR1444
13Lee, Hajin13217526KOR1440
14Oh, Jeongyun13214500KOR1401
15Ahn, Jeongyoon13215418KOR0
16Lho, Yoojun13225685KOR0