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2024 World Youth Qualifier - Girls Վերջին արդիացում06.06.2024 11:58:45, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ |
1 | | Kim, Jooyeon | 13214462 | KOR | 1692 | w |
2 | | Hong, Jueun | 13212702 | KOR | 1673 | w |
3 | | Kim, Doyeon B | 13214420 | KOR | 1658 | w |
4 | | Yim, Jay | 13204513 | KOR | 1613 | w |
5 | | Browning, Sena | 13215868 | KOR | 1581 | w |
6 | | Jung, Minju | 13212710 | KOR | 1522 | w |
7 | | Lee, Hyunju | 13222619 | KOR | 1500 | w |
8 | | Kim, Hwaeum | 13213601 | KOR | 1475 | w |
9 | | Wang, Yoo | 13204963 | KOR | 1471 | w |
10 | | Sull, Jaeyoung | 13216171 | KOR | 1469 | w |
11 | | Jang, Yunseo | 13216538 | KOR | 1444 | w |
12 | | Zee, Hyeonjeong | 13215663 | KOR | 1429 | w |
13 | | Jung, Jaeyeon | 13221787 | KOR | 1403 | w |
14 | | Seo, Yerin | 13226258 | KOR | 0 | w |
15 | | Song, Rina | 13215469 | KOR | 0 | w |
16 | | Yang, Haeun | 13219901 | KOR | 0 | w |
17 | | Yang, Hayeon | 13225316 | KOR | 0 | w |