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Circuito BitiaChess Torneo II

Վերջին արդիացում02.06.2024 20:39:59, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrezhonduras

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Gavarrete, Joel8401160HON2059
2Zuniga Garcia, German8407576HON1877
3CMMendoza, Edwin8401020HON1875
4Rishmawy, Feisal8405123HON1767
5Bonilla Egan, Emerson8411107HON1737
6Espinal Ferrufino, Rigoberto8400946HON1712
7Benitez, Kevin8407126HON1656
8Gavarrete, Jonathan Ariel8407398HON1632
9Lopez Serpas, Josue8406235HON1602
10Merino Vallecillo, Angela Sofia8410062HON1573
11Padilla, Angel Roberto8412863HON1515
12Alvarenga, Heaven8410607HON1488
13Merino, Nelson Rogelio8410135HON1443
14Mendoza, Gary8408696HON1409
15Bonilla, Jonathan8401985HON1801
16Canales, Mateo AlejandroHON0
17Diaz del Valle, Luis Alejandro8407460HON1584
18Diaz del Valle, Luis David8410011HON0
19Fiallos, GustavoHON0
20Guevara, Diego AndresHON0
21Herrera, Andres0
22Martinez, Andres0
23Mendoza, Pedro Antonio0
24Osorto, Johan0
25Perdomo, SantiagoHON0
26Perdomo, SebastianHON0