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Aberdeen Megafinal 2024 U8

Վերջին արդիացում02.06.2024 16:01:44, Creator/Last Upload: NEJCA

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Nathan, Prithvi2414309SCO871Corp
2Sathiyamoorthy, Magizhan2414120SCO819Broomh
3Ganesh, Krishiv2413035SCO385Lenz
4Yukhnenko, KyryloSCO274Brim
5Sharma, PialiSCO249Mend
6Desai, AditiSCO202Broomh
7Liu, LucasSCO150Alb
8Govindasamy, KayilanSCO90Dycp
9Aitken, AthollSCO85Glenb
10Zemani, GregorySCO85Mill
11Govindasamy, AadhanSCO80Dycp
12Dumpa, KrishSCO70Alb