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2024 African Youth Chess Championship U12 GIRLS

Last update 29.06.2024 17:36:51, Creator/Last Upload: Ricardo Minnaar

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Starting rank

1Ahmed Mohamed, Zakaa10699724EGY1729w
2Budhram, Kaylee14343509RSA1530w
3Kuka, Riziki10831053KEN1483w
4Theron, Carla14350971RSA1481w
5Aine, Atubet10015442UGA1473w
6Suhana, Anil Yadav10022848UGA1466w
7Chebet, Staisy10835431KEN1457w
8Banda, Bertha8722498ZAM1417w
9Nell, Chelsea Jane14347474RSA1409w
10Atarah, Wright10862439KEN0w
11Boshoff, Francis15209512NAM0w
12Boshoff, Helen15209520NAM0w
13Brown, Annalese Lao-Letty15210766NAM0w
14Cornforth, Kayleigh14352753RSA0w
15Goel, Rajita14373220RSA0w
16Hagen, Gina Sophia14364492RSA0w
17Inde, Joy10844970KEN0w
18Liu, Amy14363216RSA0w
19Maharaj, Aditi14350920RSA0w
20Maina, Tiffany Gathigia10842721KEN0w
21Msibi, Naledi20702914SWZ0w
22Naicker, Victoria14395754RSA0w
23Onyango, Shirlyn Gathoni10836667KEN0w
24Ranaivomanana, Ny Thyana Aicha13109421MAD0w
25Suresh, Aaradhya14346605RSA0w
26Swanepoel, Leja14379503RSA0w
27Toor, Qudsia Abrar11326522BOT0w
28Zeanette, Jacobs15211070NAM0w