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Seinast dagført02.06.2024 10:30:49, Creator/Last Upload: Taichung Chess Association

Search for player Leita


1吳冠頡Andrew, SBTPE1369
3蔡嘉宸Justin, SBTPE1264
4顏瑞佑Rio, SBTPE1254
5呂潔馨Jiessie, SGTPE1237
6楊承諺Cheng Yan, SBTPE1231
7賴雨彤Amelia, SGTPE1129
8楊寬洋Darren, SBTPE1072
9沈傳恩Sean, SBTPE1067
10許智恩Abraham, SBTPE1056
11宋安軒An Hsuan, SBTPE1022
12林威宏Albert, SBTPE1022
13謝睿哲Paul, SBTPE996
14林囿伸Yosef, SBTPE994
15葉典鈞Jayden, SBTPE961
16林雍哲Yung Jhe, SBTPE940
17楊孝凡Sonic, SBTPE0
18墨印倫Tristan, SBTPE0
19鄭名洧Ming Wei, SBTPE0