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2do Torneo Abierto Casa del Ajedrez

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.07.2024 22:32:16, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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1Viera Perez, Nestor A.3104435PUR1765
2Torres Ortiz, Gabriel3111482PUR1697
3Gonzalez Segarra, Abel3112705PUR1603
4Rivera Irizarry, Denzel F.3112446PUR1522
5Patel, Dhyaan3112357PUR1521
6Torres Ramirez, Jorge3111660PUR1470
7Reyes Rivera, Derek R.3111628PUR1457
8Arpidez Vazquez, Jaiko D.3114988PUR0
9Aulet Quinones, Miguel A.3112853PUR0
10Ayala, Maitreya3114902PUR0
11Baez Reyes, Jandiel J.3112535PUR0
12Bruno Mendoza, Alexis X.3108872PUR0
13Caballero Sanchez, Jaydeliz3114996PUR0
14Calderon Gutierrez, Fabian E.3108589PUR0
15Calderon Gutierrez, Saul E.3113990PUR0
16Casillas Sierra, Felix J.3115003PUR0
17Colon Rodriguez, Jose E.3115062PUR0
18Cruz Castro, Godrick3113485PUR0
19Cruz Castro, Onyx3113493PUR0
20Delgado Diaz, Eliandres3115011PUR0
21Diaz Alvarado, Javier3112209PUR0
22Rondon Alvarado, Raymelis3115054PUR0
23Estrada Nieves, Chloe A.3114368PUR0
24Gonzalez Torres, Lexayra I.3113019PUR0
25Gonzalez Torres, William S.3111032PUR0
26Gonzalez Torres, William Y.3111024PUR0
27Guerra, Sawyer3114767PUR0
28Hernandez, Derek3114376PUR0
29Just, Christopher3115070PUR0
30Lopez Garcia, Esteban3115020PUR0
31Lopez Garcia, Fabian3115089PUR0
32Martucci Rodriguez, Matias3115097PUR0
33Milan, Diego3115038PUR0
34Miranda Padilla, Kevin O.3112888PUR0
35Mojica Rivera, Gustavo R.3112721PUR0
36Olivari De Jesus, Felix A.3109437PUR0
37Ortiz Lespier, Jaime3112586PUR0
38Pacheco Rosario, Juan C.3112594PUR0
39Perdomo Maldonado, Istban E.3114465PUR0
40Placeres Ortiz, Adrian J.3112420PUR0
41Placeres Ortiz, Edric J.3112411PUR0
42Rivera Cruz, Norbert3114589PUR0
43Rivera Lima, Michael A.3110311PUR0
44Rivera Roca, Carla3115046PUR0
45Ruiz Rios, Jessiel3109720PUR0
46Ryder, Alexander3114139PUR0
47Ryder, Gabriella3114120PUR0
48Santiago Sanchez, Diego A.3111636PUR0
49Soto Rios, Michael G.3115100PUR0
50Tolentino Gonzalez, Bryant3115119PUR0
51Tompkins, Vincent Rashod39919943USA0
52Torres Cobian, Raul A.3114619PUR0
53Torres Diaz, Carlos D.3102238PUR0
54Torres Otero, Carlos3103188PUR0
55Velez Vazquez, Jerry3111644PUR0
56De la Rosa, Luian3114252PUR0