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Nacka-Värmdö KM HT 2024

Last update 04.12.2024 23:21:56, Creator/Last Upload: NackaSchack

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Round 3 on 2024/09/25 at 18:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
14Karlsson, Sven-Ake1815 ½ - ½2 Nylund, Magnus18095
211Arrue, Arvid0 ½ - ½ Hardwick, Hugo18313
32Johansson, Mikael18461 0 - 1 Hjelmberg, Nicholas18631
47Krushichki, Theodor16680 - - +½ TUOMAINEN, JOUNI16498
59Nordstrom, Mikael1603½ 1 - 00 Rechichi, Giuseppe159310
612Hedman, Allan01 ½ - ½1 Sahlberg, Christer16986