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Nacka-Värmdö KM HT 2024

Last update 04.12.2024 23:21:56, Creator/Last Upload: NackaSchack

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Rank after Round 2

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1 
15Nylund, MagnusSWE180922223
24Karlsson, Sven-AkeSWE18151,51933
31Hjelmberg, NicholasSWE18631,51852
411Arrue, ArvidSWE01,51844
53Hardwick, HugoWE18311,50
67Krushichki, TheodorSWE166811781
72Johansson, MikaelSWE184611701
99Nordstrom, MikaelSWE16030,50
10Rechichi, GiuseppeITA15930,50
12Hedman, AllanSWE00,50
126Sahlberg, ChristerSWE16980534

Tie Break1: Performance (variable with parameter)